Early Childhood Learning - Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2
At the International Academy of Marawi (IAM), we believe that early childhood learning should be challenging, yet safe, friendly, reassuring and encouraging. It should be a place where each child’s contribution is valued and a place where they can grow.
When your child starts to explore the world in their early years, they need to be in an environment where the sky’s the limit – where they are valued and encouraged to reach their potential.
We value traditional styles of learning whilst integrating Australian Early Childhood education providing more challenging extension activities for children.
Elementary (Grade 1 - Grade 6)
The focus in the Elementary School is on giving boys and girls their own learning spaces, and the best possible start to their education. The regular use of computers enables our students to learn anywhere and anytime.
The curriculum has a strong focus on literacy, numeracy, science and is also enriched with music, visual arts, physical education, science, Arabic and etc. The study of the Arabic language will develop their skills of listening, speaking and reading Arabic literature.
Junior High School (Grade 7 - Grade 10)
In juinior High School, the focus on critical and creative thinking and real-world learning is maintained and the students’ capacity to work collaboratively is extended through a broad range of student educational groupings, projects and curricular activities.
Students are given the opportunity to accelerate their learning through our academic programs allowing them to experience the rigorous demands of the final years of schooling.
Senior High School (Grade 11 - Grade 12)
Senior School students at the International Academy of Marawi (IAM) are engaged on a journey marked by common and binding intellectual and social experiences that they will remember all their lives.
In the senior high school level we provide student various academic strands for the students to choose such:
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
Humanities and Social science (HUMSS)
General academic Strand (GAS)
Computer Hardware Servicing (NC II)
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)